MAY 2012 Master of Fine Arts – Photography: Louisiana Tech University. Ruston, LA
MAY 2009 Bachelor of Visual Arts – Photography: McNeese State University. Lake Charles, LA
2015 Assistant Professor of Art: Albion College. Albion, MI
2013-2015 Visiting Assistant Professor of Art: Albion College. Albion, MI
Specific courses taught:
Photo 1 (Wet Darkroom)
Photo 2 (Hybrid Digital/Wet Darkroom)
Creative 2D Process (Basic 2D Design)
Advanced Digital Imaging (Intro to Digi Photo)
Color Photo (Studio Lighting)
Computer Art (Computer Integration)
Directed Study, Medium/Large Format
Directed Study, The History of Photography (co-taught Prof. Bille Wickre)
Sm(Art) Imagery : Explorations in Smart Phone Media
2012-2013 Adjunct Instructor of Art: University of Mississippi. Oxford, MS
Hired as the sabbatical replacement for the department head/instructor of the imaging arts. I was responsible for instructing three courses and two directed studies each semester, hired and managed students workers for the digital and wet darkroom, and facilitated regular maintenance of both labs.
Specific courses taught:
Intro to Black and White Photography(Wet Darkroom)
Intermediate Photography (Intro to Digital)
Intro to Digital Imaging
Intermediate Photography (Intermediate and Advanced Darkroom)
Advanced Digital Photography
Digital Video (w/ explorations in Performance and Public Art)
Directed Study in Alternative Processes
Senior Portfolio
BFA Forum Preparatory Class
2011-2012 Graduate Teacher of Record: Louisiana Tech University. Ruston, LA
Specific courses taught:
Intro to Digital Photography
Digital Photography for Communication Design
2D Basic Design
2009-2011 Graduate Teaching Assistant: Louisiana Tech University. Ruston, LA
Specific courses:
Intro to Photography (Assistant Prof Jes Schrom)
Intro to Digital Photography (Assistant Prof Jay Gould)
Intermediate Photo (Assistant Prof Jes Schrom)
2D Basic Design (Assistant Prof Joey Slaughter)
2014 CUR Institute- Albion College Faculty Representative
A faculty representative invited to the Council on Undergraduate Research’s Creative Inquiry in the Arts and Humanities Institute to develop a cross disciplinary humanities lab for the college from funds made available by a grant from the Melon Foundation. Milwaukee,WI
2013 Curator for 13th Annual Sarah Isom Conference for Gender Studies Exhibition
Exhibition ran congruently with the Sarah Isom Center for Gender Studies annual conference. Located off campus space for exhibition and facilitated the delivery and install of the work featured in the exhibition. University of Mississippi – Oxford, MS
2009-2012 Graduate Gallery Committee
Installation and lighting for both the Main Gallery andE.J. Bellocq Gallery; approximately 10 shows per academic year. School of Art: Louisiana Tech University. Ruston, LA
2009-2012 Wet Darkroom, Lighting Studio and Digital Lab Monitor
After hours assistant/ monitor for both the wet darkroom, lighting studio and digital lab. Mixing of black and white chemicals, changing ink for Epson printers, and assisting/advising student use of the fore mentioned lab areas.
2010-2012 Epson 9900 Print Service
1 of 2 graduate students in charge of running a paid large format print service using an Epson 9900. School of Art: Louisiana Tech University. Ruston, LA
2011 Piney Hills Gallery Intern
Show installation, data base & permanent collection organization, digitizing submission and artist database, developing formal Piney Hills Gallery logo. North Central Louisiana Arts Council. Ruston, LA
2014-present Mid Atlantic College Art Association. member
2014-present Texas Photographic Society. member
2013-present Houston Center for Photography. member
2008-present Society for Photographic Education: member.
2016 The Continuing Democratization of Photography: Smart Phone Media, Society for Photographic Education, Panel Chair. Las Vegas, NV
2014 The Continuing Democratization of Photography: Smart Phone Media, Mid America College Art Association Conference, Panel Chair. San Antonio, TX
Before the Camera: Camera as a Collaborator in Performance. Visiting Artist, Baylor University, Waco, TX
2013 Understanding Adjunct. Society for Photographic Education, South Central Regional Conference, Panel Chair. Galveston, TX
2013 Methods: The Artistic Process of Grieving. JD Williams Library, University of Mississippi, Sarah Isom Center for Gender Studies: Brown Bag Lecture Series. Oxford, MS
2012 Methods: The Artistic Process of Grieving Meek Hall, University of Mississippi - Department of Art, Faculty Lecture. Oxford, MS
Camera & Curtain. Society for Photographic Education, National Conference: Graduate Lecture. San Fransico, CA
A Method of Mourning. School of Art- Point of Advent: MFA Thesis Opening. Ruston, La
2011 Camera & Curtain. Society for Photographic Education, South Central Regional Conference: Graduate Lecture. San Antonio, TX
2015 - Assistant Volunteer Coordinator / Society for Photographic Education
Ethnic Studies Committee Member / Albion College
IT Planning Committee / Albion College
Inclusion & Respect Team / Albion College
Smooth Transitions Mentor
Foundation for Undergraduate Research, Study and Creative Activity (FURSCA) Committee Member / Albion College
FOCUS: Michigan High School Photo Contest - Photographic Competition for High School Students sponsored by Albion College Art and Art History Department, Photo One Course.
Foundation for Undergraduate Research, Study and Creative Activity (FURSCA) Advisor / Albion College: Student 1: Audrey DeGroot: Portraits of Albion - wet plate collodion (ambrotype) portraits of the residents of Albion, MI. / Student 2: Shenoa Butcher: Understanding the graphic novel - transitioning a previously crafted story into a visual narrative.
Albion Accelerator: Joint collaboration merging the Economics and Management, Advanced Ceramics with students in Advanced Photo to research and brainstorm various functioning structures of a potential Makerspace in downtown Albion, MI. This project is one of the Humanities Labs that are funded by a grant from the Melon Foundation.
2014 - Foundation for Undergraduate Research, Study and Creative Activity (FURSCA) Committee Member / Albion College
FOCUS: Michigan High School Photo Contest - Photographic Competition for High School Students sponsored by Albion College Art and Art History Department, Photo 2 course.
Foundation for Undergraduate Research, Study and Creative Activity (FURSCA) Advisor / Albion College - Student: Audrey DeGroot: Printing Albion's History: An Exploration of Early Documentation Printing Albion College Archives’ 300+ glass plate negatives and researching the history of Albion, Michigan, its relationship to the steel industry and the college.
49224- Visualizing Albion: Joint collaboration merging the Methods and Theories of Anthropology course with students in Advanced Digital Imaging to research and create visual documentation of the economical culture of the city of Albion, MI. Project commenced with a gallery exhibition and presentation of research collected.
2014-2013 Downtown Economic Development Creative Collaboration: Students designed, cut and installed vinyl pieces in collaboration with the Economic Development Corporation in an effort to revitalize and change the visual appearance of unoccupied store fronts downtown.
2013 Living Waters Exhibition: Worked in conjunction with Visiting Artist Betsy Damon to edit and install video and sound components.
Mississippi Model Whole School Initiative Evaluation Panelist: Observed, reviewed, and evaluated K-12 school’s implementation of art into their teaching curriculum. Tupelo, MS
Creative Arts Exhibition: Served as guest juror for Oxford High School annual art contest. Oxford, MS
Oxford Film Festival: Media, Facilitated red carpet interviews with directors, producers and actors. Oxford, MS
2012 NCLAC Summer Arts Camp - 2D / 3D: Designed and taught a week long course to introduce elementary age children to 2 & 3 dimensional art. Ruston, LA
My Vision/ My Voice Arcadia Middle School and High School / NCLAC: Six week long project dedicated to writing and the arts. Students were taught the basics for photographic composition and story telling and creative writing to correlate with the photographs. Program concluded with an exhibition of the students writing and imagery. Arcadia, LA
2011 NCLAC Summer Arts Camp - 3D: Designed week long course to introduce elementary age children to 3 dimensional art. Projects were designed to be constructed from recycled material in accordance to the camps theme. Ruston, LA
Art. Create. Discover. Communicate (AC/DC) Kids: Louisiana Tech University’s Enterprise Center Community art advocacy/ literacy program for 5th grade students from Ruston Elementary School. Ruston, LA
2010 Help Portraits ( In conjunction with Help Portraits national campaign, edited and distributed portraits of local Boys and Girls Club member’s families. Ruston, LA
Art. Create. Discover. Communicate (AC/DC) Kids Louisiana Tech University’s Enterprise Center, Community art advocacy/ literacy program for 5th grade students from Ruston Elementary School. Ruston, LA
2009 Help Portraits ( In conjunction with Help Portraits national campaign, organized 10 volunteer photographers to photograph 98 youths from the Louisiana Methodist Children’s Home, plus the printing and distribution of the photographs. Ruston, LA
2008 Shutterbugs Photo Camp / McNeese State University Organized photo camp for elementary students at Vincent Settlement Elementary. Sulphur, LA
*solo exhibitions / ** exhibition with an international call
2015 The Creative Portrait, Los Angeles Center of Photography. Los Angeles, CA. Juror: Art Streiber **
Gendered Perspectives: An Investigation into Contemporary Identities, Hartman Center Gallery, Bradley University. Peoria, IL. Juror: Jes Dugan, Margaret LeJeune **
TICKA ARTS, O2 Gallery: Austin, TX
Center Forward, Center for Fine Art Photography. Fort Collins, CO. Juror: Hamidah Glasgow **
Spinning Yarns, Hamilton & Arroson Gallery, University of the Arts. Philadelphia, PA
Allegorical Spaces, Ann Arbor Art Center and Gallery Space: Ann Arbor, MI
Portraits, Center for Fine Art Photography. Fort Collins, CO. Juror: Deborah Klomp **
2014 Mirror, Mirror, Darkroom Gallery: Essex, VTJuror: Amy Arbus **
Testament, Munro Gallery: Albion College, Albion, MI *
Spinning Yarns, Art Gallery, Delaware County Community College: Media, PA
Spinning Yarns, Blue Star Contemporary Art Center: San Antonio, TX
Spinning Yarns, Media Artsl Gallery, Robert Morris University: Moon Township, PA
Conveyance, Livaudais Gallery: Monroe, LA *
2013 Self Portraits, Juror: Caleb Cole, Artist, Vermont Photography Workplace: Middlebury, VT
Spinning Yarns, Martin Museum of Art, Baylor University: Waco, TX
Spinning Yarns, Photo Center NW: Seattle, WA
Spinning Yarns, Newspace Gallery: Portland, OR
2012 New Faculty Exhibition, Gallery 130, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS
Point of Advent, MFA Thesis Exhibition, E.J. Bellocq Gallery, Louisiana Tech University: Ruston, LA
Spinning Yarns, Sleeth Gallery, West Virgina Wesleyan College: Buckhannon, WV
Art from the G.U.T. , Best In Show Award, Juror: Jenny Burnham, Curator of Education at the Masur Museum of Art, Louisiana Tech University Enterprise Center, Ruston, LA
PhotoSpiva 2012, Juror: Andrew L. Moore, Artist, George A Spiva Center for the Arts: Joplin, MO
School of Art Juried Student Show, Juror: Kelli Connell, Artist & Educator, Louisiana Tech University: Ruston, LA
2011 MFA Group Exhibition, Louisiana Tech University Enterprise Center: Ruston, LA
7th Photographic Biennial Exhibition, Juror: Keith Carter, Artist, Wellington B. Gray Gallery, East Carolina University: Greenville, North Carolina
Spinning Yarns, Gallery 114 and Kendall Gallery, Kendall College of Art and Design: Grand Rapids, MI.
Art from the G.U.T., Juror: Benjamin Hinckley, Curator at the Masur Museum of Art, Louisiana Tech University Enterprise Center: Ruston, LA
Spinning Yarns, Lupke Gallery, University of St. Francis: Fort Wayne, IN
Home... is Where the Camera Is, Juror: Julie Blackmon, Artist, Vermont Photography Workplace: Middlebury, VT
Louisiana Purchase: Bicentennial National Juried Show, Louisiana Tech University School of Art, Honorable Mention Award, Juror: Barbara Bloemink, Executive Director at Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Louisiana Tech University: Ruston, LA
2010 FOUR * , Livaudais Studio & Gallery: Monroe, LA
Juried Student Show, Honorable Mention Award, Juror: Doug Baulos, Artist & Educator, Louisiana Tech University: Ruston, LA
MFA Group Exhibition, Louisiana Tech University Enterprise Center: Ruston, LA
2009 Art from the G.U.T. , Juror: Evy Stewart, Director of the Masur Museum of Art Louisiana Tech University Enterprise Center: Ruston, LA
Ruston Holiday Art Crawl, 1000 Words Photography Studio & Gallery: Ruston, LA
Senior Gallery Exhibition, Abercrombie Gallery, McNeese State University: Lake Charles, LA
2008 Annual Juried Student Exhibition, Juror: Karyn Murphy, Artist, Imperial Calcasieu Museum: Lake Charles, LA
SPE Women’s Caucus Exhibition, Juror: Liz Allen and Betsy Fahlman, Artist & Educator, Northlight Gallery, Arizona State University: Tempe, AZ
SPE South Central Region Student Exhibition, South Central Conference, Memphis College of Art, Memphis, TN
15th Annual Juried Student Exhibition, Honorable Mention Award, Juror: Kimberly Arp, Artist & Educator, Imperial Calcasieu Museum, Lake Charles, LA
2015 The Photography Teacher’s Handbook: Practical Methods for Engaging Students in the Flipped Classroom, Focal Press - Garn Horner and Jeff Curto, (forthcoming); teaching philosophy quoted and interview.
Center Forward, exhibition plublication. Center for Fine Art Photography. Juror: Hamidah Glasgow
2014 Mirror, Mirror, exhibition publication, Juror: Amy Arbus, Artist, Darkroom Gallery
Images of Women, Photographer/ Documentation - exhibition and special collections publication, Anne McCauley, Bille Wickre, Albion College Publication
2013 Self Portrait, exhibition publication, Juror: Caleb Cole, Artist, Vermont Photography Workplace
2012 A Method of Mourning, self published exhibition publication: Available through Blurb
Poetic Objects: Still Life As Subject, exhibition publication, Juror: Sue Lezon, Artist. Vermont Photography Workplace
Home... Is Where The Camera Is, exhibition publication, Juror: Julie Blackmon, Artist. Vermont Photography Workplace
2011 Nikon/ Photo Forum: Photo Forum’s 2011 Best of College
Self Searching: Redefining the Self Portrait, exhibition publication, Juror: Aline Smithson, Artist. Vermont Photography Workplace
2010 Nikon/ Photo Forum: Photo Forum’s 2010 Best of College
2009 Infinity Hair Salon 2009 Spring Campaign, Photographer, Creative Concept Consultant
2008 LBC LIVE - Best Cover Award Publication of the Louisiana Baptist Convention The Best of LBC Live, January – February 2008 Issue
2007 LBC LIVE - Cover and Inset, Publication of the Louisiana Baptist Convention January – February 2009 Issues
Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont
Traditional 35, 120, 4x5 film processing
Silver Gelatin printing
Film Cameras: 35mm
Medium Format (SLR and TLR)
Digital SLR Cameras
Video (Analog and DSLR)
Professional Inkjet Printing
Large Format Printing
Professional Studio Lighting
Monitor/ Printer Calibrations
ADOBE CREATIVE SUITE SOFTWARE: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere, Flash, Lightroom, Bridge, Camera Raw
`Smart Phone Media
Scanning; film & documents
Sewing/ Fabric work
Crochet / Knitting
Drawing, various mediums
Handmade Bookmaking
Vinyl Die-cutting
Alternative print processes: cyanotypes, tin types, liquid emulsion, acrylic lifts, van dyke browns, kallitypes, & various transfer processes.